I want to personally say thank everyone who have been supportive to Children With A Vision as Sponsor's & Volunteers. It takes a community effort to help bring up the less fortunate. You never know were you might be from day to day, and whom your help has to come from. I thank the Lord for always looking over me, and Blessing me to be a Blessing to others. I especially want to take out time to say thank you to all who has supported me in every endeavor, whether it was spiritually or financially for Children With A Vision. A great deal of appreciation goes to all of my Sponsors and Volunteers. Without you help and support there will be no Children With A Vision. This organization is based on the community coming together and blessing others. I might have Founded it, but it took the Lord, and people like yourselves to believe in my Vision and Mission to make Children With A Vision to make a REAL IMPACT in the surrounding Bay Area and abroad. We will continue to make a positive impact throughout the years to follow with the grace of the Lord. I thank you once again everyone for all your continuous help and support. Merry Christmas, and do remember the true value and meaning of Christmas. May God Bless you and your families.

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