People wait to New Years or the beginning of a New Year to make goals, promises, and resolutions. My everyday goal, promise and resolution is to Bless someone else that’s less fortunate than myself. And prayerfully when God Bless them, they can Bless someone as well. You don’t have to wait until man says a New Year is coming to make promises. It should be instilled in you to make a difference in your life everyday God grant you breath to breathe. I thank all the people who believe in me, and pray for me to do God’s will. Without those prayers lifted to the heaven above, I wouldn’t have the strength to move forward daily. To the ones who sit and judge, criticize; I thank you also as well. You keep me motivated and grounded. My strength comes from the Lord not man. The Lord say’s take care of his flock, and that’s My Vision, Mission, and Purpose. Humbly, thank you to my Sponsors and Volunteers. “Thank You”…..My All Year Daily Resolution!

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